Designing with Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) Using the Vivado Design Suite

Designing with Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) Using the Vivado Design Suite


30 januari 2025 - 31 januari 2025     
09:00 - 17:00


Reservation closed


Cereslaan 24, 5384 VT, Heesch

Event type


Kaart niet beschikbaar

Course Description

Learn how to construct, implement, and download a Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) FPGA design using the Vivado® Design Suite. This course covers both the tool flow and mechanics of successfully creating a DFX design.

The emphasis of this course is on:

  • Identifying best design practices and understanding the subtleties of the DFX design flow
  • Using the DFX Controller and DFX Decoupler IP in the DFX process
  • Implementing DFX in an embedded system environment
  • Applying appropriate debugging techniques on DFX designs
  • Employing best practice coding styles for a DFX system

What's New for 2023.2

  • Added new modules:
    ▪ DFX for the Versal™ Architecture
    ▪ Floorplanning for Versal Devices
  • Added new lab:
    ▪ Floorplanning the Versal DFX Design
  • Added information on the Vivado debug flows for the Versal DFX designs
  • Added information on the Versal device's secure boot capabilities.
  • Introducing the Vitis Unified IDE in the DFX in the embedded system lab and module.



Training Duration

2 days.


Digital designers who have a working knowledge of HDL (VHDL or Verilog) and the Xilinx design methodology and who have need to understand Dynamic Function eXchange techniques.


  • Knowledge of VHDL or Verilog.
  • Experience with the Vivado Design Suite.
  • Moderate familiarity with digital design techniques.
  • Experience with Tcl.
  • Moderate familiarity with the project mode and non-project batch mode flow in the Vivado Design Suite.

Software Tools

  • Vivado Design Suite 2023.2.
  • Vitis™ Unified IDE 2023.2.


  • Demo board: Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC ZCU104 board*
  • Versal adaptive SoC VCK190 board*

*  Check with your local Authorized Training Provider for the specifics of the in-class lab board or other customizations.

Skills Gained

After completing this comprehensive training, you will know how to:

  • Describe what Dynamic Function eXchange is
  • Define DFX regions and reconfigurable modules with the Vivado Design Suite
  • Generate the appropriate full and partial bitstreams for a DFX design
  • Use DFX feature for the Versal devices
  • Implement a nested DFX design
  • Enable the Abstract Shell feature in project mode
  • Use the ICAP and PCAP components to deliver partially reconfigurable systems
  • Implement a DFX system using the DFX Controller IP
  • Use the block design container feature of the Vivado IP integrator to create a DFX design
  • Identify how Dynamic Function eXchange affects various silicon resources, including block RAM, IOBs, fabric, and MGTs
  • Implement a Dynamic Function eXchange system using the following techniques:
    ▪ Direct JTAG connection, floorplanning, and timing constraints and analysis
  • Debug a DFX design using the Vivado Design Suite
  • Implement a DFX system in an embedded environment using the Vitis Unified IDE

Course Outline

Day 1

  •  Introduction to Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) - Explains what Dynamic Function eXchange is and defines the terminologies used in DFX. Also provides an overview of the configuration and reconfiguration processes. {Lecture, Demo}
  • DFX Flow Using the Vivado Design Suite GUI - Illustrates the steps for creating a DFX project in the Vivado Design Suite and describes various supported and unsupported features. {Lecture, Lab}
  • DFX Flow Using Vivado Design Suite Tcl Commands - Reviews the flow using non-project-based commands, including using implementation constraints and specific characteristics. {Lecture, Lab}
  • DFX for the Versal Architecture - Describes the DFX feature for the Versal devices, explains the DFX for Network on Chip (NoC), and illustrates the NoC topologies supported in the DFX design flow. {Lecture}
  • Nested DFX - Describes using nested DFX, the process by which a Reconfigurable Partition (RP) can be segmented into smaller regions, each of which is partially reconfigurable. {Lecture, Lab}
  • Abstract Shell for Dynamic Function eXchange  - Describes how compilation time can be reduced by using an Abstract shell (UltraScale+ devices only). {Lecture}
  • DFX Design Considerations for All AMD Devices - Covers the requirements, characteristics, and limitations associated with DFX designs that can simplify the debug process and reduce the risk of design malfunctions. {Lecture}
  • DFX Design Considerations for 7 Series, Zynq SoC, UltraScale, and UltraScale+ Devices - Discusses DFX design consideration methodologies for various  Xilinx device families. {Lecture}
  • DFX Design Considerations for Versal Devices - Describes the DFX design requirements that are specific to Versal devices. {Lecture}
  • DFX Intellectual Property (IP) - Reviews the various IPs that are specifically for use with with DFX designs. {Lecture, Lab, Demo}
  • DFX Block Design Containers in IP Integrator - Describes the block design container feature and how BDCs enable DFX. {Lecture, Lab}

Day 2

  • Configuring Devices Using DFX - Reviews the basics of configuration and various configuration modes. {Lecture}
  • Configuration Parameters - Covers various configuration parameters, including factors that affect configuration time and configuration debugging. {Lecture}
  • DFX Bitstreams and PDIsDescribes the different types of bitstreams for the DFX compilation, including full, partial, blanking, and clearing. Also explains partial programmable device image (PDI) for the Versal™ devices. {Lecture}
  • DFX Bitstream Integrity-Describes partial bit file integrity and implementing DFX through the ICAP for FPGA devices. {Lecture}
  • Floorplanning a DFX Design -Demonstrates how to create Pblocks for various devices and how to create a floorplan for a reconfigurable region. {Lecture, Lab}
  • Floorplanning for Versal Devices  - Illustrates floorplanning methodologies for Versal devices and explains challenges in the Versal floorplanning. {Lecture, Lab}
  • DFX Timing Analysis and Constraints - Illustrates how and when to apply different constraint files, the process of performing a DFX timing-level simulation, and the process of performing static timing analysis on a DFX design. {Lecture, Lab}
  • DFX Debugging - Illustrates DFX debugging techniques using Vivado Design Suite debug cores. {Lecture, Lab}
  • DFX in Embedded Systems  -Describes the embedded design flow in the Vivado Design Suite, the advantages of using a processor with DFX, and how to connect a processor to the PCAP to control DFX using the Vitis IDE. {Lecture, Lab}
  • DFX Designs Using the PCIe Core - Reviews the advantages of using a PCIe core in a DFX design. {Lecture}


Reservations can no longer be made for this event.

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