Designing with the Versal Adaptive SoC: Hardware Debug

Designing with the Versal Adaptive SoC: Hardware Debug


07 November 2024     
09:00 - 17:00


 / 10  Training Credits
On request


Cereslaan 24, 5384 VT, Heesch

Event type


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Course Description

This course describes the tools and techniques available to debug AMD Versal™ devices. You will learn about features for debugging the fabric (programmable logic) and the hard blocks. The course also covers ChipScoPy APIs, which provide a Python™ interface to program and debug the Versal devices.

The emphasis of this course is on:

  • Describing the Versal device design flows
  • Enumerating the Versal device debug features for programmable logic (PL) and hard block debugging
  • Debugging the Versal device using different debug IP cores
  • Using ChipScoPy APIs for hardware debugging
  • Improving Versal device system performance

What's New for 2024.1

  • All labs have been updated to the latest software versions



Course Duration

1 day


Hardware developers and system architects and anyone who wants to learn about the tools and techniques available to debug the Versal device.


  • Designing with the Versal Adaptive SoC: Architecture
  • Designing with the Versal Adaptive SoC: Design Methodology
  • Familiarity with the Vivado™ Design Suite

Software Tools

  • Vivado Design Suite 2024.1
  • Vitis Unified IDE 2024.1


  • Architecture: Versal adaptive SoC
  • Demo board: Versal VCK190 Evaluation Platform

Skills Gained

After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:

  • Describe the different tool flows for AMD Versal devices
  • Identify the debug interfaces in the Versal devices
  • Utilize different debug IP cores, such as the AXIS ILA and AXIS VIO cores
  • Identify the different hard block debugging tools
  • Describe the Versal device debugging techniques for JTAG low-speed debug and high-speed debug port (HSDP) debug
  • Utilize ChipScoPy APIs for hardware debuggin

Course Outline

Day 1

  • Design Tool Flow - Maps the various compute resources in the Versal architecture to the tools required and describes how to target them for final image assembly. {Lecture, Lab
  • Configuration and Debugging - Describes the configuration and debug process for the Versal devices. Also covers the Versal device debug interfaces, such as the test access port (TAP) and debug access port (DAP) controller. {Lecture}
  • Fabric Debug - Explains the fabric debug features available in the Versal device and reviews the different debug IP cores supported for Versal devices, such as the AXI Debug Hub, AXIS ILA, and AXIS VIO. {Lecture, Lab}
  • Hard Block Debug - Focuses on the debugging of Versal device hard blocks, such as the GTs, NoC, DDRMC, HBM, PCIe® block, PS, and AI Engines. {Lecture}
  • Overview of HSDP - Describes the high-speed debug port (HSDP) in the Versal device. Also goes over the steps to use the SmartLynq+ module for high-speed debugging. {Lecture, Lab}
  • ChipScoPy Overview - Discusses the ChipScope hardware debug method and reviews how the ChipScoPy APIs are used for debugging the Versal device. {Lecture}
  • System Integration and Validation Methodology - Describes different simulation flows as well as timing and power closure techniques. Also explains how to improve system performance. {Lecture}





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