Explore the IP integrator tool and its features to gain the expertiseneeded to develop, implement, and debug different IPI block designsusing the Vivado® Design Suite.
This course focuses on:
Creating an IPI blockdesign using the Vivado Design Suite.
Creating your own custom IP via the IP packaging flow.
Using the block design container (BDC) and module referencing features of the IP integrator.
Using the IP integrator to add and configure the Versal® ACAPCIPS block and then to export the generated programmable device image (PDI).
Configuring the AXI network on chip (NoC) to access DDRmemory controllers in Versal ACAP devices.
What's New for 2024.1
All labs have been updated to the latest software versions
Training Duration
2 days
Software and hardware developers, systemarchitects, and anyone who wants to learn about the Vivado Design Suite IPintegrator tool.
Basic FPGA and Vivado Design Suite knowledge
Software Tools
Vivado Design Suite 2024.1
Vitis Unified IDE 2024.1
Architecture: UltraScale™ family and Versal ACAPs
Demo board: Zynq UltraScale+ ZCU104 board
Skills Gained
After completing this comprehensive training, you will have the necessary skills to:
Describe the Vivado tool flow for RTL-based and IP-based design flows
Create a Vivado IP integrator block design using the Vivado Design Suite
Describe the blockdesign container feature in the IP integrator
Package custom IP and add it to the IP catalog repository or manage it in a remote location
Add an RTL module or a block design (BD) into a block design by using RTL module referencing
Add and configure the Versal device CIPS block and export the generated hardware
Configure the AXI NoC to access DDR memory controllers in Versal devices
Use the IP integrator to add and configure the Versal ACAP CIPS block and export the generated hardware
Configure theAXI NoC to access DDR memory controllers in Versal ACAP devices
Debug a design by adding debug cores using IP integrator
Use a revision control system in the Vivado Design Suite flows
Course Outline
Day 1
Vivado IP Flow - Demonstrates how to customize IP, instantiate IP, and verify the hierarchy of your design IP. {Lecture, Demo}
Getting Started with Vivado IP Integrator - Introduces the Vivado IP integrator tool and its features. Also reviews creating and working with block designs. {Lecture, Demo, Lab}
Designing IP Subsystems Using Vivado IP Integrator - Illustrates designing with processor-based subsystems and working with custom RTL code. Also explains how to create Vitis platforms using Vivado IP integrator. {Lecture, Lab}
Block Design Containers in the Vivado IP Integrator - Describes the block design container (BDC) feature and shows how to create a BDC in the IP integrator. {Lecture, Lab}
Creating and Packaging Custom IP - Covers creating your own IP and package and including it in the Vivado IP catalog. {Lecture, Lab}
Module Referencing in IP Integrator - Shows how to quickly add an RTL module or a block design (BD) into a block design by using RTL module referencing. {Lab}
Day 2
Versal Adaptive SoC: Hardware Platform Development Usingthe Vivado IP Integrator - Describes the different Versal device design flows and covers the platform creation process using the Vivado IP integrator. {Lecture, Lab}
Versal Adaptive SoC: NoC Introduction and Concepts - Reviews the basic vocabulary and high-level operations of the NoC. {Lecture, Labs}
Debug Flow in an IP Integrator Block Design - Shows how to insert the debug cores into IP integrator block designs. {Lecture, Lab}
Revision Control Systems in the Vivado Design Suite - Investigates using version control systems with the Vivado design flows. {Lecture, Lab}
Managing IP in Remote Locations - Covers storing IP and related files that are remote to the current working project directory. {Lecture}
Reservations can no longer be made for this event.