Learn how to construct, implement, and download a Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) FPGA design using the Vivado® Design Suite. This course covers both the tool flow and mechanics of successfully creating a DFX design.
The emphasis of this course is on:
Identifying best design practices and understanding the subtleties of the DFX design flow
Using the DFX Controller and DFX Decoupler IP in the DFX process
Implementing DFX in an embedded system environment
Applying appropriate debugging techniques on DFX designs
Employing best practice coding styles for a DFX system
What's New for 2023.2
Added new modules:
▪ DFX for the Versal™ Architecture
▪ Floorplanning for Versal Devices
Added new lab:
▪ Floorplanning the Versal DFX Design
Added information on the Vivado debug flows for the Versal DFX designs
Added information on the Versal device's secure boot capabilities.
Introducing the Vitis Unified IDE in the DFX in the embedded system lab and module.
Training Duration
2 days.
Digital designers who have a working knowledge of HDL (VHDL or Verilog) and the Xilinx design methodology and who have need to understand Dynamic Function eXchange techniques.
Knowledge of VHDL or Verilog.
Experience with the Vivado Design Suite.
Moderate familiarity with digital design techniques.
Experience with Tcl.
Moderate familiarity with the project mode and non-project batch mode flow in the Vivado Design Suite.
* Check with your local Authorized Training Provider for the specifics of the in-class lab board or other customizations.
Skills Gained
After completing this comprehensive training, you will know how to:
Describe what Dynamic Function eXchange is
Define DFX regions and reconfigurable modules with the Vivado Design Suite
Generate the appropriate full and partial bitstreams for a DFX design
Use DFX feature for the Versal devices
Implement a nested DFX design
Enable the Abstract Shell feature in project mode
Use the ICAP and PCAP components to deliver partially reconfigurable systems
Implement a DFX system using the DFX Controller IP
Use the block design container feature of the Vivado IP integrator to create a DFX design
Identify how Dynamic Function eXchange affects various silicon resources, including block RAM, IOBs, fabric, and MGTs
Implement a Dynamic Function eXchange system using the following techniques:
▪ Direct JTAG connection, floorplanning, and timing constraints and analysis
Debug a DFX design using the Vivado Design Suite
Implement a DFX system in an embedded environment using the Vitis Unified IDE
Course Outline
Day 1
Introduction to Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) - Explains what Dynamic Function eXchange is and defines the terminologies used in DFX. Also provides an overview of the configuration and reconfiguration processes. {Lecture, Demo}
DFX Flow Using theVivado Design Suite GUI - Illustrates the steps for creating a DFX project in the Vivado Design Suite and describes various supported and unsupported features. {Lecture, Lab}
DFX Flow Using Vivado Design Suite Tcl Commands - Reviews the flow using non-project-based commands, including using implementation constraints and specific characteristics. {Lecture, Lab}
DFX for the Versal Architecture - Describes the DFX feature for the Versal devices, explains the DFX for Network on Chip (NoC), and illustrates the NoC topologies supported in the DFX design flow. {Lecture}
Nested DFX - Describes using nested DFX, the process by which a Reconfigurable Partition (RP) can be segmented into smaller regions, each of which is partially reconfigurable. {Lecture, Lab}
Abstract Shell for Dynamic Function eXchange - Describes how compilation time can be reduced by using an Abstract shell (UltraScale+ devices only). {Lecture}
DFX Design Considerations for All AMD Devices - Covers the requirements, characteristics, and limitations associated with DFX designs that can simplify the debug process and reduce the risk of design malfunctions. {Lecture}
DFX Design Considerations for 7 Series, Zynq SoC, UltraScale, and UltraScale+ Devices - Discusses DFX design consideration methodologies for various Xilinx device families. {Lecture}
DFX Design Considerations forVersal Devices - Describes the DFX design requirements that are specific to Versal devices. {Lecture}
DFX Intellectual Property (IP) - Reviews the various IPs that are specifically for use with with DFX designs. {Lecture, Lab, Demo}
DFX Block Design Containers in IP Integrator - Describes the block design container feature and how BDCsenable DFX. {Lecture, Lab}
Day 2
Configuring Devices Using DFX - Reviews the basics of configuration and various configuration modes. {Lecture}
Configuration Parameters - Covers various configuration parameters, including factors that affect configuration time and configuration debugging. {Lecture}
DFX Bitstreams and PDIs - Describes the different types of bitstreams for the DFX compilation, including full, partial, blanking, and clearing. Also explains partial programmable device image (PDI) for the Versal™ devices. {Lecture}
DFX Bitstream Integrity-Describes partial bit file integrity and implementing DFX through the ICAP for FPGA devices. {Lecture}
Floorplanning a DFX Design -Demonstrates how to create Pblocks for various devices and how to create a floorplan for a reconfigurable region. {Lecture, Lab}
Floorplanning for Versal Devices - Illustrates floorplanning methodologies for Versal devices and explains challenges in the Versal floorplanning. {Lecture, Lab}
DFX Timing Analysis and Constraints - Illustrates how and when to apply different constraint files, the process of performing a DFX timing-level simulation, and the process of performing static timing analysis on a DFX design. {Lecture, Lab}
DFX Debugging - Illustrates DFX debugging techniques using Vivado Design Suite debug cores. {Lecture, Lab}
DFX in Embedded Systems -Describes the embedded design flow in the Vivado Design Suite, the advantages of using a processor with DFX, and how to connect a processor to the PCAP to control DFX using the Vitis IDE. {Lecture, Lab}
DFX Designs Using the PCIe Core - Reviews the advantages of using a PCIe core in a DFX design. {Lecture}